doTERRA Cilantro Essential Oil

The therapeutic and culinary uses of Cilantro have been documented for centuries. Cilantro contains antioxidants known to protect the body’s cells from oxidative stress. Cilantro promotes healthy digestion and acts as a powerful cleanser and detoxifier for the body’s systems. Applied topically, Cilantro is very soothing and cooling to the skin, and it adds a fresh, herbal aroma to any essential oil blend when diffused. Cilantro’s culinary uses are endless, adding a flavorful twist to meats, salads, dips, and guacamole.





Steam Distillation



Fresh, Herbal, Sweet, Pungent



Umbelliferae (parsley)






Linalool, trans-2- Decenal 



  1. Aromatic:  Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. 
  2. Internal: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. 
  3. Topical: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas.


  • Rich in antioxidants, which reduce free radicals in the body
  • Aids digestion
  • Powerful cleanser and detoxifier
  • Soothing and cooling to the skin
  • Gives food a fresh, tasty flavor
  • Promotes restoration and recovery of body system
  • Cilantro assists with digestion after over-indulging at dinner
  • Relaxes psychological & physiological activity
  • Cilantro supports healthy immune function and response.
  • It supports a healthy digestive tract.
  • It relieves anxious and restless feelings.
  • Cilantro may calm the nervous system.
  • It keeps the mouth, teeth, and gums looking clean and healthy when applied topically.


  • Take daily during a body cleansing regimen. 
  • Add to stir fries, salads, and dips to experience Cilantro's distinct flavor and internal experience. 
  • Apply one to two drops to minor skin irritations.
  • Place one to two drops of Cilantro in a doTERRA Veggie Capsule to experience its cleansing and detoxifying effect
  • For a fresh, clean-smelling, herbal aroma, diffuse three to four drops of Cilantro with the citrus essential oil of your choice
  • Cilantro is calming and relaxing when used aromatically.
  • Use it to make your own effective surface cleanser.
  • When applied topically or diffused, Cilantro creates a peaceful feeling that supports a restful night’s sleep
  • Apply Cilantro to your fingernails and toenails to keep them looking clean and healthy


Emotions & Energetics of Essential Oils - CILANTRO - The Oil of Releasing Control

Cilantro breaks energetic attachments, facilitates a detoxification of negative emotions (emotional cleansing) and helps keep your energy system clear. Very supportive to liberate the soul from heavy burdens and honoring their boundaries when changing jobs, moving, or leaving a relationship. Use it to reclaim your center, to reduce overstimulation, shedding what is no longer in harmony and to access your True Self.



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  • Learn what your oils REALLY mean: the underlying energetic properties of essential oils add profound depth to your use. 
  • Give as gifts! Adorably small, incredibly useful, and totally gorgeous, this is an amazing present on its own that also lends itself to being paired with essential oils and/or products made from oils for a unique and meaningful gift.
  • Perfect for anyone with an essential oil business! These cards add a new layer to conversations with enrollees, make wonderful enrollment gifts, and if bought in bulk can be personally customized with your contact information!

Created by Veronica Torres

Buy Energetics & Essential Oils Card Deck HERE
Buy Energetics & Essential Oils Card Deck HERE

Where can you buy Cilantro oil? Just click on one of the links below to purchase. Need help or are in a different country? Please send me a message

You can purchase the doTERRA oils at Retail or Wholesale prices. 


My Tip for you - Open a Wholesale Account

Just like at Sam’s or Costco but with more benefits!


Paying a $35 annual membership fee saves you 25% off the oils all year long. You don’t have to order monthly or sell anything.


Even better... pick one of the Enrollment Kits and the $35 fee is waived! 

Retail Price: $34.67

plus tax and shipping

Wholesale Price: $26.00

1 Year Membership with Oil Book: $35.00 

plus tax and shipping

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