doTERRA Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil

Cinnamon is derived from a tropical, evergreen tree that grows up to 45 feet high and has highly fragrant bark, leaves, and flowers. Extracted from bark, cinnamon oil contains strong cleansing and immune enhancing properties.


Due to its high content of cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamon should be diluted with Fractionated Coconut Oil when applied to the skin and only one to two drops are needed for internal benefits. Cinnamon is very purifying to the circulatory system and it helps promote circulation, both internally and when applied to the skin, helping to ease sore muscles and joints.


Cinnamon helps maintain a healthy immune system, especially when seasonal threats are high. When diffused, Cinnamon promotes clear breathing while purifying the air. Cinnamon is frequently used in mouth rinses and gums for its oral health benefits. Cinnamon has a long history of culinary uses, adding spice to desserts, entrees, and hot drinks.


Steam Distillation



Spicy, Wood, with a Sweet, Biting Note



Lauraceae (laurel)






  1. Diffusion:  Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.
  2. Internal: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. 
  3. Topical Use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas.


  • Maintains a healthy immune system
  • Promotes oral health
  • Helps alleviate sore muscles and joints
  • Long used for its internal health benefits
  • Long used as natural flavoring
  • Reduces damage from free radicals
  • Prevents or relives spasms, convulsions & contractions
  • Vitalizes the cardiovascular system, tones the heart
  • Aids in proper digestive processes
  • Stimulates immune system activity
  • Relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood pressure
  • Cinnamon Bark supports healthy metabolic function
  • It naturally repels insects.
  • This essential oil promotes healthy circulatory function.
  • It supports the health of the urinary tract and kidneys.
  • It helps to support healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range.
  • It helps support healthy liver function.
  • Cinnamon maintains the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It supports cardiovascular and circulatory health.


  • Put 2 drops in empty veggie capsule for immune support. 
  • Place 1 drop of Cinnamon essential oil in hot water or tea and drink slowly to soothe the throat. 
  • Put 2-3 drops in a spray bottle for a quick and effective cleaning spray. 
  • Place one drop on your toothbrush then add toothpaste to help to maintain clean, healthy looking teeth.
  • Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to cold, achy joints during winter time.
  • During your nightly routine, add one drop of Cinnamon to two ounces of water and gargle for an effective mouth rinse.
  • Add this essential oil to your favorite recipes in place of ground cinnamon for a delightfully spicy flavor. 

Emotions & Energetics of Essential Oils - CINNAMON - The Oil of Sexual Harmony

Rise out of the swirl of confusion and access your penetrating clarity. Cinnamon's beautiful energetic helps clearing of trapped emotions from past traumas, guides you to accept your body and embrace your physical attractiveness. It helps you to drop victim mentality while strengthening your ability to take responsibility for your reactions to your experiences in life. It dispels fear of rejection, jealousy or control, brings clarity to those who struggle with their insecurities and creates healthy sexual harmony by inviting individuals to be honest and vulnerable, thereby allowing true intimacy to emerge. 

Which oil do YOU need today? Pick a card each day to see what your body is asking for. Cards fit neatly in your hand. Portable and beautiful!

  • Learn what your oils REALLY mean: the underlying energetic properties of essential oils add profound depth to your use. 
  • Give as gifts! Adorably small, incredibly useful, and totally gorgeous, this is an amazing present on its own that also lends itself to being paired with essential oils and/or products made from oils for a unique and meaningful gift.
  • Perfect for anyone with an essential oil business! These cards add a new layer to conversations with enrollees, make wonderful enrollment gifts, and if bought in bulk can be personally customized with your contact information!

Created by Veronica Torres

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Buy Cinnamon Oil Now - US Only - If you need Links to different countries please contact me

You can purchase the doTERRA oils at Retail or Wholesale prices. 


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Retail Price: $32.00

plus tax and shipping

Wholesale Price: $24.00

1 Year Membership with Oil Book: $35.00 

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