Eucalyptus trees are tall, evergreen trees that grow up to 50 feet in height and are sometimes referred to as Gum Trees. The main chemical components of Eucalyptus radiata are eucalyptol and alpha-terpineol, making it an ideal oil to promote feelings of clear breathing and open airways and for creating a soothing massage experience. Eucalyptus has purifying properties that can be beneficial for the skin and for cleansing surfaces and the air. Studies have shown that Eucalyptus is effective in helping lessen tension. Eucalyptus can be found in mouth rinses to freshen breath and promote oral health.
Steam Distillation
Camphoraceous, Airy
Myrtaceae (shrubs and trees)
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas
Psychologically, this incredible essential oil works on freeing our mind. It opens us up to clearer thinking, lifting the heaviness associated with feeling “pinned down” and brings about an “air” of freedom, optimism and positivity.
This oil, which is also known as the oil of protection, supports the soul who is constantly facing difficult times. They may get well for times and seasons, only to return to a runny nose, irritated throat, or night sweats, seasonal or environmental threats or stuffiness in the sinuses and respiratory system.
It addresses a deep emotional or spiritual issue of the need to be feelings off. It reveals patterns of thinking that continually create poor health. Such beliefs may include thoughts like "I don't deserve to be well", "I am the sort of person that is always feeling bad", or "The only way I can get a break is to get unwell". Eucalyptus gives an individual courage to face these issues and beliefs. It encourages them to let go of their attachments to feeling bad in general.
Eucalyptus encourages individuals to take full responsibility for their own health. It also bestows trust that one’s needs and desires can be met, even if they allow themselves to be well. Eucalyptus teaches individuals how to claim their wholeness and heal.
Negative emotions: attached to feeling unwell, clingy, defeated, despair, desire to escape life or responsibilities, imprisoned, powerless to heal
Positive properties: able to get better, well, liberated, responsible, encouraged
You can purchase the doTERRA oils at Retail or Wholesale prices.
My Tip for you - Open a Wholesale Account
Just like at Sam’s or Costco but with more benefits!
Paying a $35 annual membership fee saves you 25% off the oils all year long. You don’t have to order monthly or sell anything.
Even better... pick one of the Enrollment Kits and the $35 fee is waived!
USA Retail Price: $22.67
plus tax and shipping
USA Wholesale Price: $17.00
1 Year Membership with Oil Book: $35.00
plus tax and shipping