doTERRA Fennel Essential Oil

Fennel can grow up to six feet in height and has delicate, feathery leaves. The history of Fennel dates back to ancient times when Roman warriors were said to have consumed Fennel to make them strong and ready for battle. Fennel is best known for its distinct licorice aroma and taste, yet its ability to ease digestive troubles and monthly menstrual cycles are equally noteworthy. Fennel can be added to tea to calm the digestive system as well as the mind and emotions. Fennel can be very soothing when applied to the abdomen during monthly menstrual cycles and those same properties can lessen the discomfort associated with minor skin irritations. Fennel is also known to support a healthy lymphatic system.


Steam Distillation



Licorice, Sweet, Honey



Umbelliferae (parsley)






  1. Diffusion:  Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. 
  2. Internal: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. 
  3. Topical Use: Apply one to two drops to desired area. Dilute with Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.


  • Relieves occasional indigestion, digestive troubles and nausea
  • Eases monthly menstrual cycles
  • Supports a healthy lymphatic system
  • Calms minor skin irritation


  • Rub Fennel on your stomach or on the bottom of your feet to help ease menstrual or digestive discomfort.
  • Put a drop of Fennel under your tongue to help fight sweet tooth cravings.
  • Add to desserts for an additional depth of flavor.
  • Add 1–2 drops in a glass of warm water or tea to help settle digestive upset. 


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas.

Emotions & Essential Oils - FENNEL - The Oil of Responsibility

Fennel supports the individual who has a weakened sense of Self. The individual may feel defeated by life’s responsibilities, having little to no desire to improve their situation. Fennel reignites a passion for life.

It encourages the soul to take full ownership and responsibility for its choices. Fennel teaches that life is not too much or too big to handle.


Fennel encourages an individual to live in integrity with themselves, despite the judgments of others. When one has been paralyzed by fear and shame, this oil gets them moving again. Fennel re-establishes a strong connection to the body and the Self when there has been weakness or separation.


  Fennel also supports an individual in listening to the subtle messages of the body. This is especially important in situations where there has been a loss of connection to the body’s natural signals due to emotional eating, severe dieting, eating disorders or drug abuse. Through attunement with the body’s actual needs, Fennel curbs cravings for experiences that dull the senses. This oil then supports the individual in hearing the body’s signals of hunger, thirst, satiation, tiredness, or exhaustion. Fennel is also supportive in regaining one’s appetite for nourishment, food and life itself.


Negative Emotions: Lack of desire, unwilling to take responsibility for self or life, shame, weak sense of Self, numb to body signals

Positive Properties: Responsible, in tune with body, satiated, maturity

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USA Retail Price: $20.00

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USA Wholesale Price: $15.00

1 Year Membership with Oil Book: $35.00 

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