Essential oils are used for a wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. They can be used singly or in complex blends depending on user experience and desired benefit. Essential oils are usually administered by one of three methods:
* Diffused aromatically
* Applied topically to the skin
* Taken internally as a dietary supplement
Our sense of smell influences many physiological pathways including the stimulation of hormones and other metabolic processes. Aromatherapy is founded on the body’s predictable response to specific olfactory stimuli. Essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy applications. Certain essential oils, when diffused in the air, can be very stimulating while others can be calming and soothing.
Beyond emotional benefits, diffusing essential oils can purify air of unwanted odors and some airborne pathogens. Low or no-heat essential oil diffusers are recommended as they do not change the chemical structure of the oil being diffused. Essential oils can also be used as cleansing and purifying additives to laundry and surface cleaners throughout the home.
Due to their natural molecular composition, essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and can be safely applied topically. Application of essential oils can have immediate, localized benefit to the target area of application. Irritation decreases, blood circulation returns, the pain is diminished, and mobility is restored. They have restorative and calming properties and can be used effectively with massage and beauty therapy. They are also natural disinfectants. The chemical structure of essential oils also allows them to be absorbed into the bloodstream via the skin for internal benefit throughout the body.
Please note: Essential oils should rarely be used without proper dilution. Using essential oils full strength, can increase the risk of sensitization. Even though most people, myself included, have never experienced any problems using the oils neat, meaning without dilution, I advise you to dilute the oils before applying to your skin to avoid possible irritation or sensitization, especially if you plan on using the oils daily. Please never apply the oils to children without dilution.
We have a tendency to think that if a little is good, a lot is better. It is hard for us to imagine how a single drop of essential oil could exert a potent therapeutic effect. But keep in mind that a single drop of essential oil contains 40 quintillion molecules. There are approximately 100 trillion cells in your body. So assuming that you absorbed 100% of that drop and assuming that it was evenly distributed around your body (neither of which would actually happen, but just for the sake of illustration), that one drop of essential oil could cover each one of your cells with 400,000 molecules!
Here are two reasons that diluted essential oils may, in fact, exert a greater therapeutic effect than neat essential oils:
1. Their volatile chemical nature means that essential oils evaporate extremely quickly. When applied to the skin undiluted, a significant percentage of the essential oil molecules evaporate into the surrounding air without ever being absorbed through the skin. In contrast, fatty carrier oils (such as fractionated coconut oil) are non-volatile and will not evaporate at all. A fatty carrier will actually serve to "weigh down" the essential oil molecules, keeping them in contact with the skin for long enough to be absorbed.
2. Spreading a given dose of essential oil over a larger skin surface will result in greater absorption. It is difficult to spread a single drop of essential oil over more than a few square inches of skin before it soaks in or evaporates (in actuality both are taking place). By diluting that single drop of essential oil in a fatty carrier oil, it becomes possible to distribute it over a much larger surface area of skin. This results in a larger percentage of the essential oil being absorbed.
Essential oils possess subtle energies able to interact with the body’s own energy system to promote wellness and healing. Many oils taken internally will support the immune system, the detoxification and cellular health needed for a vibrant life. Some essential oils have powerful antioxidant properties while others help support healthy inflammatory response in cells. Many essential oils are generally regarded as being safe for dietary use, but some oils should not be taken internally. Do not use any essential oil product internally that does not have the appropriate dietary supplement facts on its label. If used in a capsule, I recommend adding coconut oil.
Essential oils can also be used in cooking, though you will need significantly less essential oils in your recipes than commercial, food grade flavor oils.
Using essential oils can be profoundly simple and life changing at the same time. essential oils can be used safely by your family for a variety of wellness applications. However, there are several safety guidelines that you should follow when using essential oils
Essential oils are highly-concentrated plant extracts and should be used with reasonable care.
Consulting with someone who has experience with essential oils will make your first experience with essential oils more enjoyable and rewarding. As you learn how to use essential oils through personal experience, share your knowledge with others in a safe and responsible way and encourage others to do the same.
Photosensitization is the process in which ultraviolet (UV) radiation combines with a particular substance and causes chemical or biological changes. Some essential oils contain furocoumarins, a special class of constituent that can cause photosensitization of the skin. The most commonly found furocoumarins in essential oils are bergapten and oxypeucedanin. The chemical structure of these molecules (and their metabolites) allows them to form cross-links with skin cell DNA, in turn making the skin especially susceptible to UV radiation. During the process, free radicals and singlet oxygen are also formed and can inflict damage on cellular membranes, organelles, and proteins. If exposed to sunlight (which gives off UV radiation) after topical application of a photosensitive oil, the skin may become temporarily darkly pigmented, red, or irritated.
Photosensitivity and phototoxicity apply to topical use of essential oils only and do not pose the same risks when used internally. When using a photosensitive essential oil topically, avoidance of sunlight is recommended for up to 12 hours after use.
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